Thursday, December 23, 2010
25 weeks (and 1 day)!!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Baby Shower!
Here are a few pictures from the big day!
Viability!!! 24 weeks
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Twin Friends to Play With!
Our very good friends that we met through our infertility struggles are expecting twins!!!! I am so over-the-moon happy for them and am secretly hoping they have two little girls for my two little girls to play with someday :) Lots of special memories to be had, I am sure of it!
Happy 23 Weeks Babies!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I missed 21 weeks... 22 today!
I am definitely getting a bit bigger, week by week, still not as big as I thought I would be at this point, but I am getting there :)
22 weeks today... Here is our new picture! I feel huge! I am still working out almost every day for an hour to 90 mins. It makes me feel so good and I know the babies love it!
We finally decided on bedding last night and I put down a deposit today! I am so excited! I am usually so nervous when I have something custom made, bc I tell myself I am not going to like it, but I feel so good about this! Probably bc I fretted over it for weeks, sleepless nights and tons of tears! We love it and we hope the babies do too!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Two Little Girls :)

This was taken right after I got home from the gym last Wednesday (right at 20 weeks!). I feel fantastic so far and am keeping my fingers crossed that things continue to go great!
We are off to Arizona for Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Halfway to Home?

Thursday, November 4, 2010
18 Weeks Brings Us to...A Sweet Potato?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
We Have 1 Little Girl and A Surprise!

Thursday, October 28, 2010
October 29th: A BIG DAY!
My prediction: girl/girl. Greg's prediction: girl/girl.
In the beginning, I honestly thought both babies were boys. It was my gut feeling from the moment I saw the pictures of the embryos before the were transferred back to my body. But as these last few weeks have gone by, I would be shocked now if one was a boy! If you are both little girls, watch out daddy!!!!
In other pregnancy news, I am up about 7-8 pounds and am in maternity pants some days, some days not. The days that I still wear my own jeans, I wear a maternity top for a little extra room. The days that I wear maternity pants, I wear my own shirt. I am definitely showing now and Greg is going to start taking full shot pictures of me tonight :)
17... Another Beautiful Number :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
And We Go From One Citrus to Another :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010
We Have Lemons!

Anyway, like my title suggests, the babies are now the size of lemons! And I can tell because my stomach just very recently decided to stick out... like as recent as yesterday, when they turned 14 weeks old! I think they like the milestones as much as I do, bc it was last week that I first noticed some hangover, and then this week that I noticed a little bump through my shirt :) Yeah babies!

During week 14 of their lives, they are busy wiggling toes, sucking thumbs and making urine (no wonder I am getting up 3 times to pee in the middle of the night!)! They are now breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidney and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo, which is a thin layer of hair, has now started growing over their bodies for warmth.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
13weeks- Blissful
I was 13 weeks yesterday and am definitely starting to notice a difference in my stomach. I first noticed it while I was getting dressed for the gym. I had a little pooch stick out over my low waisted yoga pants, and the tight shirt I put on made me look like I had drank too many beers the night before and had one too many slices of pizza. So, the pooch is on. Now I just need it to firm up so it looks more like a baby bump!

Our babies are now the sizes of a peach! In week 13, they are busy forming teeth and vocal cords, their non-functional phase. They are now approaching normal proportions, with the head being only 1/3 the body size. Intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to inside the tummy.
Monday, September 27, 2010
NT Scan= Success!
The babies were so super active today. Greg & I were laughing at how much they move! Baby A actually flipped completely around and then completely around again... putting on a little show for us :) Baby B was putting its hands up by its face, and making a sucking motion.
I love these babies so much and my love for them grows deeper and deeper every single day! I feel so blessed to be where we are today after the long journey we went on!
Here are some pics from today!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Squeee!!!! 12 weeks!!!!

Today you are both the size of a plum. Honestly, I am still not showing much, so I wish you would jump ahead to the pumpkin size :) But I guess those days are probably coming soon enough! You are both about 2.1 inches long and weigh about .49 oz each. Almost all of your systems are fully formed!
I finally ordered a few maternity items and am excited for them to come and even more excited to wear them! I am hoping in another week I am ready to graduate to maternity clothes! I have been going to the gym regularly, and I feel so good while I am there and after I leave. My gym clothes are much more fitted, so I think I will start to get the side eye in another week or two from my fellow gym rats.
Our big N/T scan is this Monday! I cannot wait for 90 minutes of babies!!!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Quick Post!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
11 Weeks... 203 Days Left (or less!)!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
We've Told Our Families!
I am 11 weeks tomorrow! Woo hoo! I love watching the weeks go up and the countdown to days go down!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
10 weeks! Woo hoo for the double digits!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
9 weeks- squeee!!!!!

This week the babies are a size of an olive. If they are that small, why does my stomach look this big?
The embryo is now called a fetus! With basic physical characteristcs starting to form, the babies are actually starting to look like babies!
So Dramatic
When I got to my RE's on Monday morning everyone was waiting for me with terrible looks on their faces. That immediately freaked the heck out of me and I walked with the tech back to the u/s room. I asked her in confidence, once she shut the door to the outside world, what she thought was going on and what she thought the results meant. She told me to get changed and she wasn't going to make an assumptions until we did the ultrasound.
Long story short, the u/s was perfect again and showed two perfect babies. Do you sense a keyword yet about these two? They are perfect, all of the time and have been since the beginning. The amount of love I have for these two babies is entirely immeasurable. Both babies measured on track with heartrates of 177 and 179.

Baby B

More blood was drawn and I asked the fearful question again, of what if today's bloodwork came back just as terrible as last Thursdays? No clue was the answer I got... not, we are going to rely more on these perfect ultrasounds than the bloodwork. Nothing. So, I went and had my blood drawn, tried to remain hopeful, saw my RE on my way out and hugged him for all he has done for me.
Fast forward to Tuesday morning... blood results in! And off the charts, I might add! So, the lab definitely made an error, and made us worry over the weekend for no reason! I was given my discharge instructions and released to my OB!
I have an early u/s with my OB on Sept. 7th and my first appt is Sept. 16th. I am so excited to see the babes again!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
...And I Have a Perigestational Bleed!
Both babies looked good. No, they looked awesome! They are right on track for 8w1d and they look beautiful and perfect! Baby A has her back to us, making it hard to get a good picture of here AGAIN and so I am convinced now she is a Girl! Baby B was chilling and so I think he is a Boy... laid back like his dad. Plus, my bleed is above Baby A... little girl is causing some drama!

It is so surreal for me to me in the u/s room with two little babies on the screen and two little heartbeats. It is an out of body experience almost. I cannot believe this is my life. I love it!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
8 Weeks!

Monday, August 23, 2010
L-O-N-G Week!
I took a 7week belly picture last Wednesday before I got in bed and I will upload it later. I think I am starting to show a little bit. That could be bc I had very little bloat to start with, so now it seems like I have a little bloat action. All of my clothes still fit, nothing is uncomfortable yet.
Greg's parents visited over the weekend and we were able to share our news with them on Saturday night. It took us both good while before we decided it was the "right" time to say something... in the past, when I played this moment out in my head, I thought we would just blurt it out. But, that is so not how it happened. It was a good 5 hrs after they had been here, and at least 2 hrs after we ate dinner. They were so happy to hear our news of just being pregnant and I think dually shocked to hear it is twins! So, we spent majority of the rest of the evening talking about babies, traveling with babies, life with babies, etc... babies make everyone smile!
My last RE appt is this Thursday :( and my first OB appt is next Wednesday, September 1st :) Woo!
Here I am at 7 weeks:
Monday, August 16, 2010
Being Pregnant is Scary!
I woke up several times during the night and it was pretty light. But, around 7 a.m. it was pretty bad again, so I called the nurses' line again, and she told me to come in at 10:30 and to stay off of my feet until I had to leave. So, the time between 7:30 and 10 moved very slowly, and included me getting up to go to the bathroom for a check about 20 times!
We got to our appt a little early, and they were late taking us back. I was absolutely sick to my stomach as we walked back to the little room with the tech. She told me to stay positive. I love this u/s tech more than anything, but I was really thinking in my head, "seriously lady, how the eff am I going to remain calm? Do you know what this is like?" and then I realized that I didn't know if she had kids or not, and maybe she did know what it was like. So I chilled. I changed and got ready for the u/s.
I was 100% prepared for the worse and Greg stood standing over me drinking his coffee out of a Illinois mug. I could not believe how calm he was... and about 2 seconds later both babies popped up on the screen and Greg said, "I see both heartbeats flickering away!" and then I was calm. I could not believe that after all the blood I passed, that both babies were still doing great. And both were moving around and looking lovely :) They both measured at 6w2d (I was 6w3d) and HB were 115 and 114. We also got to hear their heartbeats, which was absolutely, positively amazing.
I have tons of pictures from that u/s because remember I mentioned how much I love the u/s tech? Well, she loves us too! She did pics in 3D and 4D, even though both babies are too small to see much in 4D, and gave us a ton of printouts.
I spent the rest of Saturday and all day Sunday relaxing on the couch and drinking my weight in water :), which, by the way, is down 9 pounds. Either these two babes are sucking everything away from me and taking it all for themselves, or I am not eating enought. I hope it is NOT the later as I have been trying very hard to eat very balanced meals.
Next u/s is Thursday the 19th! I can't wait :) The little brains will be forming at that appt!
And this is me at 6weeks and some change:
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Baby A & Baby B, as they will be called from here on out, are measuring at 6w0d and 5w6d respectively. I am technically 6w1d, but a day or two give or take at this point, is considered normal. So, without further ado, here they are!