That is how I feel like the last 9 weeks have been (or, the last 5 since finding out I was pregnant). I went in last Thursday for what was supposed to be my last u/s. Both babies measured perfectly, looked wonderful, etc.; however, the bloodwork that my RE received back on Friday was not reflective of perfect babies at all and in fact was reflective of me miscarrying at least one, and quite possibly both. So, my nurse advised resting over the weekend, my RE upped my progesterone in efforts to save the babes, and I scheduled an appt for Monday morning.
When I got to my RE's on Monday morning everyone was waiting for me with terrible looks on their faces. That immediately freaked the heck out of me and I walked with the tech back to the u/s room. I asked her in confidence, once she shut the door to the outside world, what she thought was going on and what she thought the results meant. She told me to get changed and she wasn't going to make an assumptions until we did the ultrasound.
Long story short, the u/s was perfect again and showed two perfect babies. Do you sense a keyword yet about these two? They are perfect, all of the time and have been since the beginning. The amount of love I have for these two babies is entirely immeasurable. Both babies measured on track with heartrates of 177 and 179.
When I got to my RE's on Monday morning everyone was waiting for me with terrible looks on their faces. That immediately freaked the heck out of me and I walked with the tech back to the u/s room. I asked her in confidence, once she shut the door to the outside world, what she thought was going on and what she thought the results meant. She told me to get changed and she wasn't going to make an assumptions until we did the ultrasound.
Long story short, the u/s was perfect again and showed two perfect babies. Do you sense a keyword yet about these two? They are perfect, all of the time and have been since the beginning. The amount of love I have for these two babies is entirely immeasurable. Both babies measured on track with heartrates of 177 and 179.
Baby A

Baby B

More blood was drawn and I asked the fearful question again, of what if today's bloodwork came back just as terrible as last Thursdays? No clue was the answer I got... not, we are going to rely more on these perfect ultrasounds than the bloodwork. Nothing. So, I went and had my blood drawn, tried to remain hopeful, saw my RE on my way out and hugged him for all he has done for me.
Fast forward to Tuesday morning... blood results in! And off the charts, I might add! So, the lab definitely made an error, and made us worry over the weekend for no reason! I was given my discharge instructions and released to my OB!
I have an early u/s with my OB on Sept. 7th and my first appt is Sept. 16th. I am so excited to see the babes again!
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