Today I had a bit of an off day, or maybe a normal day for a pregnant gal! Last night, I experienced some very sharp shooting pains near my left groin, where Baby A is. They lasted for about 5 minutes and then went away. This morning at the gym, I felt them again, and a little bit of tightening. And now, for the entire day, I have had feelings of electric shock running across my stomach and near my groin. I spoke to the nurse and she told me what I am feeling is totally normal and is called Round Ligament Pain (RLP) and this is likely just the beginning and it is only going to get worse!
Anyway, enough about me and on to these 2 cute little sweet 'taters! At 18 weeks, both ba
bies are about 5.6 inches long and weigh a little over 6 ounces. This is kind of funny to me considering at last weeks ultrasound, the babies feet were about an inch long! I guess, they are growing in proportion to the rest of their bodies! They are both kicking, yawning, stretching, etc., although I don't feel it much... or wait, I do from one baby, our little girl who is on my right side. I feel her a lot, and can't wait until A starts moving a little bit more!

Next ultrasound isn't until 20 weeks, so a little under 2 weeks from now! I hope Baby A shows us its stuff :)
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