That's what our ultrasound told us last Wednesday! I am still in shock! So, so, so happy, but I was for sure one of those little babes was a boy! Now I will have lots and lots of spoiling to do!
We are so excited for these two little girls. Over the past week, I have spent many hours stressing over bedding and fabrics, cribs and other bedroom accessories and I think I finally have everything picked out! We decided to go with custom bedding from this cute little shop on Etsy.
Here is the final pick, I hope :)

In other news, I am a day away from being 21 weeks and am up about 13-14 pounds, depending on the time of day I weigh myself. I think that is getting kind of high, so I am really going to watch what I eat over the holidays! I do not need to get GD! Here is my 20 week picture:
This was taken right after I got home from the gym last Wednesday (right at 20 weeks!). I feel fantastic so far and am keeping my fingers crossed that things continue to go great!
We are off to Arizona for Thanksgiving!