Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, August 26, 2010

...And I Have a Perigestational Bleed!

I knew it!!!! I have been spotting/bleeding for 2 weeks straight! I just knew something was up! It is pretty large too, and even with all the bedrest and relaxing I have been doing, it is still there! This is the first time it showed up on my scan and the u/s tech said it was because the consistency of the blood can change, and it must have been too clotty before, so it blended in and looked like tissue.

Both babies looked good. No, they looked awesome! They are right on track for 8w1d and they look beautiful and perfect! Baby A has her back to us, making it hard to get a good picture of here AGAIN and so I am convinced now she is a Girl! Baby B was chilling and so I think he is a Boy... laid back like his dad. Plus, my bleed is above Baby A... little girl is causing some drama!

It is so surreal for me to me in the u/s room with two little babies on the screen and two little heartbeats. It is an out of body experience almost. I cannot believe this is my life. I love it!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

8 Weeks!

...and 224 days left until April 6th!

I love it and am so thankful to have made it to 8 weeks :) When I first found out I was pregnant, this was the first milestone I set in my head... next is 10 weeks, and then 13 weeks.

I missed posting about the baby and the changes over the last few weeks, since I was on bedrest and trying to work like a normal human being from my bed. So today, Baby A and Baby B are the same size as a RASPBERRY! I secretly can't wait until they get to be canteloupe's or some other measurable fruit :)

Babies are growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter each day and continuing to straighten out their trunks! Though it can't be felt yet, babies are moving their little arms, legs, fingers and toes like crazy!
I will post our 8w u/s pictures tomorrow :) Hope both of them are wiggling around for us!

Monday, August 23, 2010

L-O-N-G Week!

I apologize for the lack of blogging in the past week. I woke up Wednesday morning to a toilet full of red blood. I called my nurse and they brought me in a day early for my ultrasound. Again, both babes looked wonderful and as perfect as could be, and measured 7w exactly. I received my bloodwork back in the afternoon and my hcg level is now 107,030 and my progesterone was 58... so, something is going right! Those two little ones have this figured out, I hope! But, my RE requires 72 hrs of bedrest for every one day of red blood, so, I was a prisoner to my bed from Wednesday-Saturday morning. I actually set up my home office in my bed and was able to easily work from there. It wasn't ideal, but doable. Thank goodness for my flexible and very understanding boss :)

I took a 7week belly picture last Wednesday before I got in bed and I will upload it later. I think I am starting to show a little bit. That could be bc I had very little bloat to start with, so now it seems like I have a little bloat action. All of my clothes still fit, nothing is uncomfortable yet.

Greg's parents visited over the weekend and we were able to share our news with them on Saturday night. It took us both good while before we decided it was the "right" time to say something... in the past, when I played this moment out in my head, I thought we would just blurt it out. But, that is so not how it happened. It was a good 5 hrs after they had been here, and at least 2 hrs after we ate dinner. They were so happy to hear our news of just being pregnant and I think dually shocked to hear it is twins! So, we spent majority of the rest of the evening talking about babies, traveling with babies, life with babies, etc... babies make everyone smile!

My last RE appt is this Thursday :( and my first OB appt is next Wednesday, September 1st :) Woo!

Here I am at 7 weeks:

Monday, August 16, 2010

Being Pregnant is Scary!

and with twins, it is even scarier! I had some major bleeding episodes again over the weekend. It started on Friday afternoon and instantly, I was sick to my stomach. I feared the worse, so left work a little early to go plant myself on the couch with a big water. It didn't stop, so I called and left a message on the nurses' line, but they had already left for the day. I tried to remain calm the rest of the night, and googled the heck out of every single thing related to spotting and bleeding at 6.5 weeks pregnant. Nothing pointed to good signs.

I woke up several times during the night and it was pretty light. But, around 7 a.m. it was pretty bad again, so I called the nurses' line again, and she told me to come in at 10:30 and to stay off of my feet until I had to leave. So, the time between 7:30 and 10 moved very slowly, and included me getting up to go to the bathroom for a check about 20 times!

We got to our appt a little early, and they were late taking us back. I was absolutely sick to my stomach as we walked back to the little room with the tech. She told me to stay positive. I love this u/s tech more than anything, but I was really thinking in my head, "seriously lady, how the eff am I going to remain calm? Do you know what this is like?" and then I realized that I didn't know if she had kids or not, and maybe she did know what it was like. So I chilled. I changed and got ready for the u/s.

I was 100% prepared for the worse and Greg stood standing over me drinking his coffee out of a Illinois mug. I could not believe how calm he was... and about 2 seconds later both babies popped up on the screen and Greg said, "I see both heartbeats flickering away!" and then I was calm. I could not believe that after all the blood I passed, that both babies were still doing great. And both were moving around and looking lovely :) They both measured at 6w2d (I was 6w3d) and HB were 115 and 114. We also got to hear their heartbeats, which was absolutely, positively amazing.

I have tons of pictures from that u/s because remember I mentioned how much I love the u/s tech? Well, she loves us too! She did pics in 3D and 4D, even though both babies are too small to see much in 4D, and gave us a ton of printouts.

I spent the rest of Saturday and all day Sunday relaxing on the couch and drinking my weight in water :), which, by the way, is down 9 pounds. Either these two babes are sucking everything away from me and taking it all for themselves, or I am not eating enought. I hope it is NOT the later as I have been trying very hard to eat very balanced meals.

Next u/s is Thursday the 19th! I can't wait :) The little brains will be forming at that appt!

And this is me at 6weeks and some change:

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am still in shock even though we definitely knew it was a possibility. We transferred back two beautiful, perfect blasts and both decided to get comfty and stick around for the next nine months :) We are over the moon excited!

Baby A & Baby B, as they will be called from here on out, are measuring at 6w0d and 5w6d respectively. I am technically 6w1d, but a day or two give or take at this point, is considered normal. So, without further ado, here they are!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

6 weeks!

Another milestone! Woo hoo! I am 6 weeks pregnant today and so happy to be here!

Tomorrow is my first u/s. Greg gets home from his fishing trip tonight and I know we will both be too excited to sleep.

Our baby is now as big as a sweet pea! Growing like crazy, baby is now beginning to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and chin. Those little hands and feet- still webbed like paddles- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate.

I am still spotting off and on but only if I am doing too much (working out, walking a lot, yardwork, etc...) so I have been trying to lay low as much as possible. I did go to the gym again this morning, I want to work out as much as possible bc it makes me feel good. So far, no spotting :) I am still having terrible backaches but I think it is my body adjusting to being pregnant. I took a 6 week belly shot this morning:

Seems like there hasn't been much change from week 5 to week 6:

Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekend Recap!

I am so glad it's Monday because that means we are closer to Thursday, which is my big ultrasound day! The weekend was a roller coaster for me.

Greg left on Saturday morning for a fishing trip in Wisconsin with his dad, uncle & cousin. After he left, I went to the Farmers Market and ran a few other errands. While out I started to feel a little funny and my back started to ache pretty badly, so I finished up so I could get back home. Once home, I noticed I had started spotting again. I had a bit of implantation spotting before my beta, but since getting a positive, I had not had any spotting at all. I tried to stay calm and lay down on the couch and drink lots of water, but it was impossible bc I had so much to do. Around 12 I left to go down to my parents, and I stopped for lunch along the way and saw that I was still spotting. I got to my parents. Still spotting. I hung out there all afternoon, laid down for a while. Still spotting. Went to mass, went to dinner. Still spotting. I was pretty much broken hearted by the time I climbed into bed at 9:30. I had texted Greg throughout the day letting him know about the spotting, but he told me to remain calm about it. So, as I laid in bed, I begged God and St. Gerard to watch over my baby and take care of it and me.

I woke up Sunday to no spotting! Yeah! I had a pretty fun day with my parents, swam at my brothers, visited with my nieces and nephews and brothers and sisters-in-law and drove home late in the afternoon. It was a long day and I was burnt from the sun and tired from all the activity! I went to bed tired but very happy :)

So today, I am 5w5d and so happy I can't wipe the smile from my face! I wish my u/s was today- in fact, it would have been right at this very moment- but Greg HAS to be here for the first one and I wouldn't do it without him! So, just a few more days :) I cannot wait until Wednesday when I hit the 6 week mark!

Friday, August 6, 2010

No beta for me today-insert sad face

Well, I spoke with my nurse this morning and she would not allow me to come in for a third beta this morning. I did not mention that I am still testing bc I am sure that would have just pissed her off even more! She said that my betas were too high (too good) to warrant a third beta. She also said with such great betas, like the 2 I had, they would want to wait one week in between testing, so they could get an accurate read. Whatever. I disagree 101%, but she didn't want my opinion.

So, next beta will be Thursday-which is over a week btw-, August 12th at my u/s, and I won't get results until Friday.

I have a feeling I am gearing up for a very long weekend :(

Thursday, August 5, 2010

5w1d... and I am getting scared

I just emailed my nurse and asked if I could come in for another beta tomorrow morning. I am sure she will tell me know, but I whined a little in the email, and I am hoping she caves ;) I am scared my beta isn't rising appropriately, and I am freaked out that if it isn't, the u/s next Thursday will be my worst nightmare.

The reason I feel this way... I just took another pregnancy test and the test line was just almost the same color as the control line. I want the test line to be darker than the control line.

I should really just STOP testing. That would be one solution to my problem.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

5 Weeks! Yeah :)

This is a very small milestone, I know, but I am so happy about it! I feel different saying I am 5weeks pregnant, instead of saying 4weeks and 6days... not that I am telling anyone or even talking about it, but to myself.

So today I get to graduate to a papaya! So, without further ado, here we go:

The embryo is starting to now form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (circulatory, nervous, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of hCG, which in turn triggers production of estrogen & progesterone!

Uhm... I have been on progesterone & estrogen for the last 3 weeks! I don't feel anything but a sore butt from that 1.5 inch needle that gets stuck in there morning and night!

I am hoping to keep myself busy this next week before my first u/s. I hope the time flies by!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

4w6d...before it's too late!

Tomorrow I jump to 5w, so I wanted to get this post in before it was too late! During week 4 a lot has been happening and the ball of cells has split into the embryo and placenta. The amniotic sac & fluid are forming around the baby and will act as a cushion for the next 8 months.

I am ready to move on to week 5! Week 4 has been great, don't get me wrong, as we experienced a lot of "firsts" over the past 6 days, but something about moving to week 5 really makes me feel like I am being promoted.

I have taken a few belly pictures, but obviously there is nothing to see right now. Our first ultrasound was scheduled for this coming Monday, but because G will be on his fishing trip, we've rescheduled it to the following Thursday, when I will be 6w1d, and hopefully we will hear a beautiful little heartbeat!

And for another test picture, because YES, I am still testing:

And my first belly photo:

Monday, August 2, 2010

I have always wanted to blog about something, but I have always thought I never had anything interesting to say and I was not comfortable blogging about my infertility... but, now I am pregnant and I hope to make this pregnancy blog something special to smile about and love!

So, after 3 years of trying and wanting to give up, I am finally pregnant and we are due in April 2011. To say we are over-the-moon excited is an understatement. The proper words cannot be used to truly express how we feel right now.

I know it is very early, but after being an IF patient for years, you pick apart symptoms and phantom symptoms like it's your job... but, today, I am 4w5d pregnant and not a symptom to speak of :) Except a loss of 7 pounds on the scale! I think it is because of the double progesterone-in-oil shots I am doing daily and the mad amount of estrace I am taking! But for now, I will take it, and will enjoy living my blissful pregnant life!

And, proof that I am actually pregnant:

Such a beautiful site!