and with twins, it is even scarier! I had some major bleeding episodes again over the weekend. It started on Friday afternoon and instantly, I was sick to my stomach. I feared the worse, so left work a little early to go plant myself on the couch with a big water. It didn't stop, so I called and left a message on the nurses' line, but they had already left for the day. I tried to remain calm the rest of the night, and googled the heck out of every single thing related to spotting and bleeding at 6.5 weeks pregnant. Nothing pointed to good signs.
I woke up several times during the night and it was pretty light. But, around 7 a.m. it was pretty bad again, so I called the nurses' line again, and she told me to come in at 10:30 and to stay off of my feet until I had to leave. So, the time between 7:30 and 10 moved very slowly, and included me getting up to go to the bathroom for a check about 20 times!
We got to our appt a little early, and they were late taking us back. I was absolutely sick to my stomach as we walked back to the little room with the tech. She told me to stay positive. I love this u/s tech more than anything, but I was really thinking in my head, "seriously lady, how the eff am I going to remain calm? Do you know what this is like?" and then I realized that I didn't know if she had kids or not, and maybe she did know what it was like. So I chilled. I changed and got ready for the u/s.
I was 100% prepared for the worse and Greg stood standing over me drinking his coffee out of a Illinois mug. I could not believe how calm he was... and about 2 seconds later both babies popped up on the screen and Greg said, "I see both heartbeats flickering away!" and then I was calm. I could not believe that after all the blood I passed, that both babies were still doing great. And both were moving around and looking lovely :) They both measured at 6w2d (I was 6w3d) and HB were 115 and 114. We also got to hear their heartbeats, which was absolutely, positively amazing.
I have tons of pictures from that u/s because remember I mentioned how much I love the u/s tech? Well, she loves us too! She did pics in 3D and 4D, even though both babies are too small to see much in 4D, and gave us a ton of printouts.
I spent the rest of Saturday and all day Sunday relaxing on the couch and drinking my weight in water :), which, by the way, is down 9 pounds. Either these two babes are sucking everything away from me and taking it all for themselves, or I am not eating enought. I hope it is NOT the later as I have been trying very hard to eat very balanced meals.
Next u/s is Thursday the 19th! I can't wait :) The little brains will be forming at that appt!
And this is me at 6weeks and some change: